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Nombre de messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

Invoice Number Empty Invoice Number

Mer 5 Jan 2011 - 9:17
Can I set invoice number?
TransactionInt.PKey_InInvoiceNumber = "17"
TransactionInt.PKey_InInvoiceType = 1
iError = TransactionInt.ReserveCardNumber
If iError <> 0 Then
      MsgBox("Erreur : " & Acomba.GetErrorMessage(iError))
End If
The code above doesn't work. It tells me the transaction type is not correct. Is there any way to set invoice number to "17" instead of generating by system? Thanks.

Nombre de messages : 1024
Ville : Québec
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2007

Fiche d'Entreprise
Nom de l'entreprise: Informatique Gilles Plante

Invoice Number Empty RE: Invoice Number

Mer 5 Jan 2011 - 13:48
Well, the answer is yes and no Neutral .

It depends on the type of invoice you wish to create. If you want to create a "regular" invoice you wish to print, for example going Invoicing > Invoices, the number is set by Acomba.

But if you create a transaction, for example going Accounts receivable > Transactions, which is a General Ledger transaction, then you can set the invoice number to whatever you wish.

Regular invoices transparently creates a corresponding transaction in Accounts receivable. You can refer to items in inventory and generates nice printed invoices. If you wish to set yourself the invoice number - I guess the invoices are created outside Acomba and then inserted into Acomba - then you have no choice but create AR Transactions instead of Invoices.

You are probably working with Transaction (regular invoices) and should be working with TransAr.
Nombre de messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

Invoice Number Empty Re: Invoice Number

Mer 5 Jan 2011 - 14:06
Thank you very much.

Yes, you are right. I guess I have no choice. AR transaction is too simple and regular invoice is what I need. Is it possible to set GL account number? Only when I create AR transaction then I could set GL account number?

I would like to ask another question: I create a transaction whose type is purchase. It appears on inventory->purchase. Is it supposed to create AP transaction automatically, just like AR?
Nombre de messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

Invoice Number Empty Re: Invoice Number

Mer 5 Jan 2011 - 15:22
PlanteG a écrit:Well, the answer is yes and no Neutral .

It depends on the type of invoice you wish to create. If you want to create a "regular" invoice you wish to print, for example going Invoicing > Invoices, the number is set by Acomba.

But if you create a transaction, for example going Accounts receivable > Transactions, which is a General Ledger transaction, then you can set the invoice number to whatever you wish.

Regular invoices transparently creates a corresponding transaction in Accounts receivable. You can refer to items in inventory and generates nice printed invoices. If you wish to set yourself the invoice number - I guess the invoices are created outside Acomba and then inserted into Acomba - then you have no choice but create AR Transactions instead of Invoices.

You are probably working with Transaction (regular invoices) and should be working with TransAr.
I guess if I have to create regular invoice, I have no way to check duplicate?
Nombre de messages : 163
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

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Invoice Number Empty Re: Invoice Number

Jeu 6 Jan 2011 - 10:48
...Acomba won't allow to add the transaction if current number is duplicate anyway

Check for a specifically numbered transaction using methods FindKey / SearchKey, That'll do the trick !


Nombre de messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

Invoice Number Empty Re: Invoice Number

Jeu 6 Jan 2011 - 11:05
Since I cannot modify transaction->invoice number, how can I use FindKey to check duplicate.

For example: In my system, I have an invoice whose invoice number is 1234. When I import this invoice to Acomba, I couldn't set PKey_InInvoiceNumber to 1234 neither other key, and Acomba will create an invoice whose number is whatever, say 1001. In this case, I think FindKey couldn't help me.
Nombre de messages : 163
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

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Invoice Number Empty Re: Invoice Number

Jeu 6 Jan 2011 - 13:31
Could you try setting Key_InInvoiceNumber instead of PKey_InInvoiceNumber ?

I believe you want to use Index 1 for that, here's the composition of Index 1 :

Key_InInvoiceType + Key_InInvoiceNumber + Key_InReceivableOffset

Some basic information about FindKey and Search, you will use FindKey if you know all the index values; However, SearchKey will allow to set partially the keys required by the index. More info available for you in the help file.

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Invoice Number Empty Re: Invoice Number

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