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Eric Dumont
Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2011

Ajouter une timesheet Empty Ajouter une timesheet

Mer 1 Juin 2011 - 6:34
Bonjour j'aimerais avoir un exemple pour créer une feuille de temps et me permettre de setter aussi le earnings code.
Présentement je peux créer une timesheet sans problème mais je ne trouve pas d'exemple pour assigner le earning code.

Mon code est en Delphi
procedure TForm1.AddNewTimeSheet;


//Interface declarations
TimeSheetData : TimeSheet;
EmployeeIndex : EmployeeKey;
FunctionIndex : FunctionXKey;
SalaryIndex : SalaryKey;
//Variable declarations
Error : Longint;
CardPos : Longint;
FreeIt : Longint;


//Interfaces Initialization
TimeSheetData := CoTimeSheet.Create;
EmployeeIndex := CoEmployeeKey.Create;
FunctionIndex := CoFunctionXKey.Create;
Salaryindex := CoSalaryKey.Create;
//Finds employee 162 in order to obtain the CardPos
EmployeeIndex.EmNumber := 'EDavis';
Error := FAcomba.FindKey(EmployeeIndex, 1);
if Error = 0 then

//Reserves the time line entry procedure for
//employee 162
Error := FAcomba.TimeSheet_ReserveEmployee
if Error = 0 then

TimeSheetData.TSEmployeeCP := EmployeeIndex.EmCardPos;
//Finds the function in order to obtain the CardPos
FunctionIndex.FnEmployeeCP := EmployeeIndex.EmCardPos;
FunctionIndex.FnOrder := 1;
Error := FAcomba.SearchKey(FunctionIndex, 1);
//if (Error = 0) and (FunctionIndex.FnEmployeeCP = EmployeeIndex.EmCardPos) and (FunctionIndex.FnOrder = 2) then
if (Error = 0) then
SalaryIndex.SaEmployeeCP := EmployeeIndex.EmCardPos; // Find the correct salary card pos
TimeSheetData.TSFunctionCP := FunctionIndex.FnCardPos;
TimeSheetData.TSStartDate := StrToDate('28/05/2011');
TimeSheetData.TSStartTime := GetNbSeconds(11, 30, 0);
TimeSheetData.TSEndDate := StrToDate('28/05/2011');
TimeSheetData.TSEndTime := GetNbSeconds(13, 0, 0);
TimeSheetData.TSTotalHours := 1.5;
TimeSheetData.TSSalaryCP := SalaryIndex.SaCardPos;
//Indicates the card creation state to the
//ModifyCard method
CardPos := IsBeingCreated;

//Indicates to the ModifyCard method to free up
//the time line entry procedure for employee 162

//after the time line successfully created
FreeIt := 1;

//Saves the TimeSheetData card
Error := FAcomba.ModifyCard(TimeSheetData, CardPos, FreeIt);
if Error = 0 then
ShowMessage('Time line successfully created.')
ShowMessage('Error: ' + FAcomba.GetErrorMessage(Error));

//Frees up the time line entry procedure for
//employee 162
Error := FAcomba.TimeSheet_FreeEmployee
if Error <> 0 then
ShowMessage('Error: ' + FAcomba.GetErrorMessage(Error));
ShowMessage('Function wasn''t found in index.');
//Frees up the time line entry procedure for
//employee 162
Error := fAcomba.TimeSheet_FreeEmployee(EmployeeIndex.EmCardPos);
if Error <> 0 then
ShowMessage('Error: ' + fAcomba.GetErrorMessage(Error));


ShowMessage('Error: ' + fAcomba.GetErrorMessage(Error));
ShowMessage('Error: ' + fAcomba.GetErrorMessage(Error));


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