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Nombre de messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2013

How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL Empty How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL

Ven 12 Avr 2013 - 14:30
Can anyone give me an instruction how to reverse the payroll?
Nombre de messages : 358
Age : 28
Ville : Quebec
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2011

How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL Empty Re: How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL

Sam 13 Avr 2013 - 15:02
If the payroll has been already posted to gl, you cannot delete it or modify.

Nombre de messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2013

How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL Empty Re: How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL

Ven 19 Avr 2013 - 7:03
there must be a way to modify it
Nombre de messages : 358
Age : 28
Ville : Quebec
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2011

How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL Empty Re: How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL

Ven 19 Avr 2013 - 12:29
The only way is :

1. Destroy the payroll ( or reverse ) in Gl module
2. Payroll - Consultation - Pick the employee you need
3. Select the period "0" on top left
4. Into the opening column , you have to put the same amount from the payroll in each lines in negative
ie. 102 - Regular salary -500

You must do it for each lines and sections on every tab.

Then, when you'll make you remittance journal, you'll have to modify it manually.

Once the payroll is posted, there is NO way to destroy it.. you can only reverse it's effects.
By doing so, you're t4 and R1 will work.
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How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL Empty Re: How to reverse the payroll which has been posted on GL

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