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Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 41
Ville : Hyderabad
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2011

Payroll Empty Payroll

Mar 12 Avr 2011 - 2:34

I am using Acomba SDK and programmed to enter customers, employees, Timesheets... Now i want to enter payroll through SDK.

It is not allowing me to enter payroll details. I am using class TransPA022 and my code is like this

AcombaX acomba = new AcombaX();
Employee022 objEmployee = new Employee022();
TransPA022 empPay = new TransPA022();
objEmployee.PKey_EmNumber = EmNumber;
int _error = objEmployee.FindKey(index, true);
if (_error == 0)
http://empPay.PaEmployeeNumber = objEmployee.PKey_EmNumber;
http://empPay.PaEmployeeCP = objEmployee.CardPos;
//_error = empPay.ReserveCardNumber();
_error = empPay.ReserveEmployee(objEmployee.CardPos,1);
if (_error == 0)
empPay.PaEmployeeNumber = objEmployee.PKey_EmNumber;
empPay.PaEmployeeCP = objEmployee.CardPos;
empPay.PaPeriodStartDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
empPay.PaPeriodEndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5);
empPay.PaPeriodNumber = 26;
empPay.PaPeriodPayDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
empPay.set_Sa_Line_Amount(1, 1, 200);
empPay.PaTemporary = 1;
_error = empPay.AddCard();

//================================================================== }


It is giving the error --> error code 202 employee not reserved.
Can anyone give me the solution. Can i insert payroll details through SDK.

Thanking You,
Nombre de messages : 163
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

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Payroll Empty Re: Payroll

Mer 4 Mai 2011 - 23:23
I have no environment to test this out so this is going to be pure guessing and reading of the SDK help file Wink

A few suggestions before more code analyzing :
1. Make sure company is correctly open;
2. That a user a correctly logged on;
3. Watch every variables and properties and ensure they contain what is expected;

As I can see from that code snippet, you don't use method "ReserveCard" on TransPA object to make sure you got enough credential to write on that card.


_error = empPay.ReserveEmployee(objEmployee.CardPos,1);

second parm is "1", which mean "TemporaryPay" to True
So I guess you should be using method "ModifyTemporaryPay" instead of AddCard on TransPA object.

Note : Don't forget to use method FreeEmployee after you got it done.

Let me know if this is still not working,

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