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Forum d'entraide Acomba
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Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2008

Acomba through Terminal Services Empty Acomba through Terminal Services

Ven 12 Déc 2008 - 11:10
We have a windows 2003 server with terminal services running. We have 6 people who use acomba through terminal services withing the office and everything was working great until we had to change the IP address of the server. How i have 4 workstation that are working fine but i have 2 that are acting up. To make this easier to explain lets call these 2 machines A and B. When A or B is logged into acomba, the other is unable to as it gets the error: Il y a plus de 1 sessions Terminal Serveur actives pout Acomba. This issue is isolates to these 2 computers. The other 4 are all working fine and are able to login to Acomba with no issues. I have isolated this to a workstation issue as if the users at these workstations login to other workstations, they are able to user TS and get in to Acombe without any issues. I was wondering if you had any ideas.

Thank you for taking the time guys and sorry for the english but my french writing isn't that great.
Nombre de messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2008

Acomba through Terminal Services Empty Re: Acomba through Terminal Services

Mer 17 Déc 2008 - 9:45
i hear from someone that you need key to be able to connect via TS on acomba.

you told us that 4 computer are ok. and 1 of the 2 left can't connect in same time as the other

the message refree as like acomba think both of them are connected on the same connection

is that right ?

since it seem to be the computer the probleme, have you check the IP config of these 2 computer. did you have licence for them
Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2008

Acomba through Terminal Services Empty update

Mer 25 Fév 2009 - 11:44
The users are able to connect to the server through terminal services from a shared computer and then move to their own computer and launch terminal services again and recover their previously opened session and it works. Acomba is the only software giving these 2 users issues at the moment.
Nombre de messages : 640
Ville : Laval
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2007

Fiche d'Entreprise
Nom de l'entreprise: Groupe Conseil Lartis Inc.

Acomba through Terminal Services Empty Clarification about the licence "Communication Internet"

Jeu 26 Fév 2009 - 22:48
By defaut, Acomba allow 2 terminal service communication. For more then that, you need to purchase 1 licence per concurrent connexion. Do you have any "communication internet" licence? (info-à propos)

From what you are telling me, I wonder why those 4 computers where working in the first place. The normal situation would have been:
- First login (with a different IP) : ok
- Second login (with a different IP) : ok
- Third (with a different IP) : error, more terminal licences needed.

I've been testing this, and the server is sending a ping to the client, and the IP adress of the client seems to determine the number of concurrent licences. Do those 2 causing problem have a particular IP? Do those who work have a particular IP or subnet? I have a firewall on my server, this is why I notice that when a remote desktop is initiated, Acomba is sending a ping to the client.

This is also why you are able to start Acomba when the session are initiated from the same computer. Acomba consider those session as one, and doesn't need more licence. You can then close the "remote desktop" without closing the session, and go to another computer to continu.

I hope this will help you find the problem.
Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2011

Acomba through Terminal Services Empty Acomba et Terminal Services ( ou remote desktop)

Lun 20 Juin 2011 - 19:36
Hello !

In the last message on this thread, the user mentions that :

"By defaut, Acomba allow 2 terminal service communication. For more then that, you need to purchase 1 licence per concurrent connexion. Do you have any "communication internet" licence? (info-à propos)"

In our company, we have a single user that uses Acomba from TS services (now called Remote Desktop). It worked fine for the past few years, but recently we changed the server and reinstalled Acomba 9.53. Now, Acomba ask us to install the "Distant Access module" to continue using the Remote Desktop.

If Acomba allows for 2 user connexion thru TS, how may I continue using these connexions ?

Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!
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Acomba through Terminal Services Empty Re: Acomba through Terminal Services

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